Birth Control Pills for Women

pill for women
Pill: What is the best pill

birth control pills (also known as “the pill”) is a daily pill containing the hormones to the way the body works and prevent change, pregnancy. Hormones are chemical substances that control the functioning of organs of the body.

In this case, controlling the hormones in the pill, the ovaries and uterus. How does the pill? Are

Many forms of birth control pills “combination pills” containing estrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation. The definition of ovulation is the release of an egg during the monthly cycle. A woman can not become pregnant if she does not ovulate because there is no egg to be fertilized. The pill works by thickening the mucus around the cervix, making it difficult for sperm to reach the uterus and enter the egg, which could be freed. The active ingredients of the pill can affect the lining of the uterus, it is difficult for an egg to attach to the uterine wall. Many birth control pills come in easy-to donors, in which the day of the week or consecutive numbers is written with a tablet dispenser for each day or a number to use.

For example, some traders are “Sunday” next to the first tablet. Then the first tablet should be taken on the first Sunday after menstruation begins (the first Sunday after the first day of menstruation). If your period begins on Sunday, the first tablet should be taken that day. The combination pills come in a package of 21 days or a package of 28 days. A hormone pill every day at about the same time for 21 days. Depending on the package can women stop taking the pill for 7 days (21 day package), or a placebo with no hormones for 7 days (28 day package). A woman has her period, if you stop taking the pills, hormones. Some women prefer the 28-day package, as it helps them to stay in the habit of a daily pill and not think about taking the pill again.

It is also a type of combination pill that decreases the frequency of menstruation by supplying a hormone pill for 12 weeks and then inactive pills for 7 days. This reduces the number of periods of every 3 months rather than one month.

managed birth control pills


starting point, take the pill should use extra contraception for the first seven days of application, as may occur in this time of pregnancy.
If the woman forgets to take pills that can cause pregnancy. If you miss a tablet should be taken as soon as a woman remembered. If more than one tablet is missed, then the instructions will be listed on the container, or a doctor or pharmacist should be called. Can inhibit

estrogen metabolism of cyclosporine, leading to elevated concentrations of cyclosporine in the blood that can lead to kidney failure and / or liver damage. If this combination can not be avoided, cyclosporin concentrations monitored and the dose of cyclosporine can be adjusted to ensure that the blood level will not rise.

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