It’s Time To Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

is time to prevent stretch marks

Article by Marie P.

pregnant and the pregnancy is a wonderful time, by running through all the mood swings and physical changes in your body. The development of stretch marks is a big problem and know how to prevent, stretch marks, make a big difference in the long run. There were several ideas about what really makes the stretch marks, but still the medical community is one reason in general proved a loss. There are ways to stretch marks during pregnancy and during pregnancy as well as ways to reduce it later if they seem to avoid. Note that not all pregnant women will get stretch marks, but it never hurts to take steps to avoid them.

Although there is no single cause of stretch marks, which is stretched to the layer of skin over half of its limits of pregnancy and weight gain were associated. The rapid weight gain and weight loss is a major cause of stretch marks, apply a pregnancy that would be good. Other causes include medications used topically with steroids in them, and hormonal changes in the body. Women are more prone to stretch marks than men, although there is no real explanation for this phenomenon. You must understand that there are some ways to prevent stretch marks, so you can avoid or at least reduce the appearance of them.

Make sure you drink enough water during pregnancy will help your body hydrated so your skin can maintain a good elasticity of the intermediate layer and allows the skin to recover from stretching. Pregnant women should also be a good moisturizer or stretch mark cream and him three or four times a day around the outer layer of the skin with moisture and hold it. Prenatal vitamins also helps keep some of the elasticity of the skin, but the most important vitamins for the skin are A, E and C. The lotions, serums and creams you use must contain shea butter, cocoa butter, wheat germ oil or lanolin, to achieve optimal results in order your skin supple and elastic to stretch skin to resist stains. Although these ideas about how to prevent stretch marks limited results, select the options later as laser surgery to help repair your skin’s ability to renew the collagen or the use of vitamin E or creams can repair collagen.

Since stretch marks essence scars, they are extremely difficult to eradicate completely, so prevention is the key!

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